Tag: climate change

A man in a garden is surrounded by colorful vegetables in this illustration by Suryaa Rajan

Seeds of resistance: The fight to preserve Europe’s peasant seeds

Before industrialized farming conquered the continent, the crops that fed Europe were adaptable varieties that evolved as peasants freely exchanged seeds, from harvest to sowing, generation after generation. Reviving these seed systems could protect our food supply from future climate shocks – if EU regulations don’t strangle them out completely.

A figure in a wheelchair views smokestacks from afar, in this futuristic image
Behind the Scenes

Connecting disability to the climate beat

The climate beat has traditionally been dominated by Global North science and politics coverage, which is important but doesn’t always centre on those most impacted. Even when climate justice is a focus, disability is still often left out of the picture.

A man holding a lantern in his darkened town overlooks a city in the distance brightly lit by electricity in this illustration by Charity Atakunda

Can green hydrogen tackle Nigeria’s persistent energy poverty?

With the rising urgency of the Climate Crisis, green hydrogen is the shiniest newcomer in global conversations on energy production. However, with sub-Saharan African countries contributing less than 3% (0.2% for Nigeria) to global carbon emissions, the more pressing question is how the continent can harness its existing resources to sustainably meet its own energy demand for economic development and poverty reduction


This man wants to revolutionize what’s on the menu for school children

According to a study in the journal Nature Food, our food system is responsible for 1/3 of global greenhouse gases, especially our agriculture and land use. The latest report of the environmental organization WWF, “Europe eats the world” shows: The EU is the world’s second-largest importer of products related to rainforest deforestation. What we eat not only heats up the planet but also destroys habitats and reduces the diversity of animal and plant species.

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