Six-Legged Allies – A Cross-Border Insect Story
A four part cross-border investigation into insect proteins
“We’re all in the same boat, as climate change affects everyone, but very few have a life jacket.”
Zambia is a case in point. In 2020, the south African country was found to be a debt defaulter. The amount in question was 17 billion USD. But why is this happening to a country rich in copper and cobalt, two of the world’s most sought after metals?
Despite the difficulties Nigerian society imposes on people with visual impairments, many lead everyday lives.
“For us, it’s an evil we have to accept. Faced with not finding work and not being fluent in the language…well, we take what we can get.” -Nani
In May 2021, several thousand people crossed from Belarus into Lithuania, seeking asylum in the European Union. One year later, most remain in detention.
In most parts of Cameroon, the news is what the newsmaker wants it to be, and a brown envelope with cash can buy anyone exactly the news they want the public to hear.
“I saw that the children were malnourished, blackened teeth and gum issues were common and women frequently reported miscarriages and still births. All of these issues quickly made me realize that this area probably had lead.”
Over two days of travelling across Rivers State with Junior, he will tell us in bits that revealing anything that can lead back to him will put him at risk of arrest, harassment, or even death from either state or non-state actors.
Port Maria, a town with a rich and sprawling history, is a case study of how devastating even a small rise in sea level can be for small islands in the tropical regions of the world.
“My mother informed me a few weeks ago that some army officials were looking for me and I needed to visit some camp. When I heard that I started shivering.
A four part cross-border investigation into insect proteins
How can we incorporate insects into our diet without putting insect populations and their habitats at risk?
Activists and survivors have taken to the streets to demand justice online for revenge porn and other abusive material spread on Telegram.
In 2013, the president of Kenya abolished hospital fees for giving birth. Almost a decade later, birth mortality rates remain stubbornly high. Does a pattern of abuse explain why?
Once dehumanized in local media, the LGBTQI+ community in Zimbabwe are now showing how human they are – through social media.
Facial recognition technology is severely limited by racial and gender bias. As India seeks to build one of the world’s largest facial databases, activists fear the impact for minorities beyond black and white.
What it takes to change attitudes and secure women’s rights to inherit property.
Indian migrant workers fight for their right to get paid in Serbia
How a solidarity-based sisterhood movement spread across rural India.
Is your desire to help more important than my consent? How #MeToo gave me a vocabulary to claim disability rights.
Vaccine distrust is one legacy of unethical Big Pharma practices in Nigeria.
Being able to leave your country is an indispensable professional necessity for journalists – wherever they are based.
Lesson learned from the NSU media failure in Germany: If journalists want to report equitable and fair, they need to investigate their own bias.
They thought it would take two weeks at most. Lovers from different countries, separated by a pandemic, fight for their rights as cross-border couples.
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