Category: Viewpoint

A figure stands in the middle of two large hands, one with an American and one with a Polish flag, both grabbing her

Why Poland offers a warning to Americans

A cynical observer of their battles with the judiciary and fines from the EU over “rule of law” might ask if they named themselves after what they intended to trample over.

Inside a lush rainforest, a sinking construction crane makes its way through

How Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is echoing in the Amazon

Anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros has asserted a very striking phrase: “The indigenous people are specialists in the end of the world, since theirs ended in 1500,” referring to the year the Portuguese landed in Brazil.

A woman on a news television screen reporting from Toronto, Canada faces viewers with the chiron, "Boss: can you check your activism at the door?" Illustration by Walker Gawande

Can you check your activism at the door?

As newsrooms globally respond to accusations of racial bias by focusing on diversity, journalist dateji cheko green looks to her experience in Canada to argue that a fuller reckoning of journalism practices, from recruitment to the daily meeting, is needed to make real change. 

A person is encircled on one side, the other shows a group of people encicled

Press Freedom and the Indian Judiciary

While press freedom faces grave threats in India, the judiciary has pulled through to protect the constitution in even the toughest of times, argues Ankita Anand.

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