Love Is Not Tourism – Being Together In A Pandemic
They thought it would take two weeks at most. Lovers from different countries, separated by a pandemic, fight for their rights as cross-border couples.
Port Maria, a town with a rich and sprawling history, is a case study of how devastating even a small rise in sea level can be for small islands in the tropical regions of the world.
“My mother informed me a few weeks ago that some army officials were looking for me and I needed to visit some camp. When I heard that I started shivering.
“The president of Ukraine gives his people hope, ours says ‘grit your teeth to endure the crisis,’” said one protest organizer.
“I heard the noise of a scouting plane… It was so close. I knew it was going to fall down, but I did not imagine it would crash into my farmland,” says Amin*, who rushed at the time to see the flames devouring his land.
Media in North Macedonia still have a tendency to sensationalise coverage of gender-based violence and point the finger of blame at the victim, but activists and experts believe this can change.
Join our mission! India's Covid-19 lockdown sent millions of internal migrants back to their homes
Extracting granite from mines in Karnataka is back-breaking labor that produces breathtaking wealth. But some of the laborers who do this work allege caste violence, bonded servitude and even sexual abuse at the hands of their bosses. One family tells their story.
Nigeria’s smallest yet most populous state continues to destroy informal settlements in defiance of the courts.
Join our mission! School lockdowns were designed to prevent the spread of Covid-19, but in
Sandra did not know anything about the climate crisis and its causes , nor did she know about food insecurity and the possible solutions to it when she surrendered her weapon to the United Nations after the guerrilla group she was part of, The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP), signed a peace agreement with the Colombian state.
They thought it would take two weeks at most. Lovers from different countries, separated by a pandemic, fight for their rights as cross-border couples.
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