People work on a farm, feeding chickens and fish with insects. In the background, you see their laundry hanging to dry, including soldiers uniforms.

Trading guns for fish and insects, former FARC combatants find a path back to civilian life

Sandra did not know anything about the climate crisis and its causes , nor did she know about food insecurity and the possible solutions to it when she surrendered her weapon to the United Nations after the guerrilla group she was part of, The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP), signed a peace agreement with the Colombian state.

A woman stands at a stall of a food market offering multiple dishes for sale containing insects
Behind the Scenes

Read this before you eat

Behind the scenes of our latest story: Editor Wafaa Albadry reflects on the discrimination faced by Black journalists, in both Western and non-Western settings.

A woman on a news television screen reporting from Toronto, Canada faces viewers with the chiron, "Boss: can you check your activism at the door?" Illustration by Walker Gawande

Can you check your activism at the door?

As newsrooms globally respond to accusations of racial bias by focusing on diversity, journalist dateji cheko green looks to her experience in Canada to argue that a fuller reckoning of journalism practices, from recruitment to the daily meeting, is needed to make real change. 

A person is encircled on one side, the other shows a group of people encicled

Press Freedom and the Indian Judiciary

While press freedom faces grave threats in India, the judiciary has pulled through to protect the constitution in even the toughest of times, argues Ankita Anand.

Two girls sitting by a rainy window, one has her head in her hands in fear, the other takes a selfie happily
Behind the Scenes

The Climate disaster trauma within us

Behind the scenes of our latest story: Editor Zahra Salah Uddin asks what the emotional impact of climate change and climate disaster will be.

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