
By land or by sea: will Chile open the door to deep sea mining?

After the international negotiations on deep sea mining, it is worth asking whether this activity could be developed in the future in Chile, a mining country whose sea is almost five times larger than its continental surface. While some say that “it does not make sense”, others suggest that it could be an alternative to reduce land-based mining conflicts.

Machines line up on the ocean floor while a man in a deep sea suit walks in front

Deep sea dilemma: to mine or not to mine?

Proponents say that mining the deep seas will provide a nearly unlimited resource of valuable metals, solving the problem of where to get the materials needed for the green energy transition, with the profits shared by all mankind. However, the pressing question remains: Can we justify the costs?

A figure in a wheelchair views smokestacks from afar, in this futuristic image
Behind the Scenes

Connecting disability to the climate beat

The climate beat has traditionally been dominated by Global North science and politics coverage, which is important but doesn’t always centre on those most impacted. Even when climate justice is a focus, disability is still often left out of the picture.

An Indian woman hugs a crying child to her in the shadow of a doorway, outside a man is being threatened by a police officer in front of his vehicle.

Women struggle while men die in custody in India’s Uttar Pradesh

“They said they would teach him a lesson. He was taken to a police station where I eventually met him. I signed documents, paid a fine, and drove the auto-rickshaw back home. On 8 February, I again met him at the court where he was produced. On 12 February, we got the news that he was dead.”

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